Grow with T3chFest

Boosting projects and communities

Where have we been?


Hackathon ASROB / UC3Music 2018

En 2018 tuvimos la oportunidad de patrocinar el Hackathon organizado por ASROB y UC3Music en la Universidad Carlos III, donde pudimos apoyarles con la comida y bebida de los participantes.

Virtual Reality Day '18 - Madrid

El 17 de Noviembre de 2018 tuvimos presencia en el VR Day de Madrid como patrocinadores del evento y asistentes a las charlas.

Women Techmakers 2018 Zaragoza

Hemos participado como patrocinadores en la edición de 2018 de Women Techmakers Zaragoza, organizado por Mulleres Tech el 20 de octubre. Para nosotros es una forma de comunicar que T3chFest es un espacio seguro, diverso e inclusivo.

Becas Change Dyslexia

Change Dyslexia es un proyecto, de la mano de Luz Rello, que trata de detectar y mejorar las habilidades relacionadas con la dislexia. Hemos tenido la oportunidad de participar con unas becas para niños con dislexia.

Call of Data 2018

For 2 days we were in Call of Data 2018 (2nd edition), organized by R-Ladies community in La Nave of Madrid. We had a stand at the event and, we could even sponsor them!

Regional Final in Madrid of Technovation 2018

We were at the final Regional Final of Technovation 2018 in Madrid, in which we could talk about T3chFest to all participants. Besides, we could sponsor the prize of one of the winning teams.

Engineering Medicine 2018 (Ceeibis)

Engineering Medicine is an event that connects engineers and doctors to launch new ideas that exploit the use of technology in medicine. T3chFest sponsored the coffee break to engage participants. Besides, two T3chFest organizers assisted as mentors to help the teams to realize their ideas.

Women Techmakers 2018 Barcelona

We have been supporting Women Techmakers for three years aiming to promote women speakers at conferences. It is a way to make a safe, diverse and inclusive space of T3chFest. This year we have sponsored Women Techmakers Barcelona event.

Open Expo Europe 2018

One more time in La Nave, we spent two days in our stand at Open Expo Europe 2018, talking about T3chFest to all participants.

Inclusive hackathon by GUL

An inclusive hackathon, in which, at least, one women per team was required, was organized by UC3M Linux Users Group (GUL). We took part of the panel and, sponsor pizzas!

High School Tech Parade 2018

This event shows some of the technological communities that meet at Campus Madrid to high school students. Besides, high school students show their projects to the communities.


Women Techmakers 2017 Madrid

We have been supporting Women Techmakers for the last years by sponsoring it in 2017 and by boosting diversity, inclusiveness and safety in conferences.

Engineering Medicine 2017 (Ceeibis)

En la edición de 2017 de este evento organizado por CEEIBIS tuvimos la oportunidad de patrocinar el coffee break para los participantes del Engineering Medicine de ese año.


Women Techmakers 2016 Madrid

In 2016, for the first time, we had the chance to support Women Techmakers Madrid and the great work they do for diversity in technological conferences.

JEIB I (Ceeibis)

En 2016 y 2017, tuvimos la oportunidad de apoyar a CEEIBIS en la primera y segunda edición de este evento.

Events and communities with which we have collaborated

Women Techmakers CEEIBIS - Engineering Medicine Open Expo Europe R-Ladies (Call of Data) Technovation Challenge GUL UC3M Change Dyslexia UC3Music ASROB Virtual Reality Day

Contact us

Do you need economical support? Maybe help to organize it?
or just help to share it in social networks?
We are wishing to collaborate with you here!