Thursday 14
13:30h - 14:15h
Track 3

No passwords, no problem: move beyond passwords with WebAuthn and passkeys

Imagine living in a world where passwords are no more. Let’s face it: using passwords sucks and implementing authentication systems that manage passwords, are phishing-resistant and secure is scary. As a developer, you’ve probably dealt with authentication a small number of times and it’s not fun but it has to be done somehow. Dealing with sessions, storing password hashes it’s stressful and you keep wondering if your system is secure enough. Today you can build authentication systems that are completely passwordless thanks to WebAuthn. But things don’t stop there, since last year there’s this new thing called passkeys that are referred to as “the replacement of passwords”. Let’s dive into WebAuthn and passkeys and learn how to get rid of passwords once and for all.

Carla Urrea Stabile

Senior Developer Advocate

Auth0 by Okta

I'm a software engineer and developer advocate, I'm a language-agnostic developer but if I had to choose, I like to work with Ruby and Python. I enjoy hiking, biking and being my dog Dasha.

Cybersecurity / Privacy
Web Development
Emerging technologies
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